In 1954, Our Company has stepped into the foundry industry under the name of Atikler Koll. Sti. which has showed great improvements in a short time and accomplished the first black temper, then the first ductile iron production in Turkey. Since 1967, as AKDOKUM San. Tic. A.S, we have been producing high quality parts for Truck and Tractor Industries as well as parts for Pumps and Industrial Valves. Starting from 1964, our machining capabilities have been improving continuously with the help of modern machining tools.
In 2008, we started to build a new Greenfield foundry in Aliaga Industrial Zone, under the name of Atik Metal San. Ve Tic. A.S. With the help of the most advanced foundry technologies, we finished our investment in 2011 with annual capacity of 50.000 tons. As a second step of our investment Atik Metal invested in machining facility in 2011 by moving its facility to Cigli-Ataturk Industrial Zone with a new building and increased number of new CNC machines. Since August 2012, we have been machining the goods in our new facility.
Today, we are exporting 95% of our production to the well known global companies. With its 500 experienced employees, Atik Metal San. Ve Tic. A.S is now one of the most reliable company in foundry industry, and will continue investing in order to satisfy its customer demands.